“I’m Exposing EXACTLY How I Built A Thriving $140,849 Copywriting Business, As A 24-Year-Old Senior In College…WithOUT Spending Tons Of Money, Having Demanding Clients, Or Doing Anything Crazy”…and have since grown it to millions!
Claim Your Spot at the Copywriting Retreat to Master Dana’s System for Cranking Out Wallet-Grabbing Copy that Literally Prints Money…No Matter Your Niche, Business Type, Or Experience…
💰💰 –> ALL Your Burning Copywriting Questions Answered LIVE, In-Person Session With Dana Derricks ($20,000 Value)…so you leave with more clarity than you thought possible.
💰💰💰 –> Dana’s PRIVATE Copywriting Tools Pulled From His Vault…So You/Your Team Can Consistently Write World-Class Copy FOREVER! (Worth Easily $10,000)
💰💰 –> “Works Every Time” 6-Part Email Sequence For EVERY OFFER You Ever make! (Brought $206,314 On ONE Campaign)…which will print money for you for the rest of your life.
💰💰 –> “Secret To Converting ICE COLD Traffic” Blueprint! (Literally Priceless)…that’ll keep you from ever scratching your head as to how to get folks to do exactly what you want them to.
💰💰 –> “The ONLY Way To Write WORLD-CLASS Copy” Checklist! (Alone Worth $500)…that forces you to craft world-class copy, even if you’re not a world-class copywriter.
💰💰 –> Signed Copy Of Dana’s $400 Book, “Conversion Secrets” From His Private Vault ($400 Value)…that’s the foundation to this whole thing, and will serve as your copywriting compass.
💰 FREE BONUS –> Order To Find Out!
💰💰 FREE BONUS #2 –> Order To Find Out!
💰💰💰 FREE BONUS #3 –> Order To Find Out!!