are bought and sold, every single day...which is nearly 3x the amount of homes sold in the U.S. per day.
The average selling price of a domain name sold on the secondary market (meaning someone bought and then sold it again) is a whopping $6,250.
This is a MASSIVE and UNTAPPED market!
That means there are a LOT of people making a TON of money on domain names, every single day!
Buying and selling domain names has been a tiny side hustle for me over the years that I've really enjoyed.
A few recent highlights are:
Domain "a"I bought for $15, sold for $20,000 (in 12 days)
Domain "b" I bought for $10, sold for $36,500
Domain "c" I bought for $271, sold for $3,000
Domain "d" I bought for $10, sold for $7,900
Domain "e" I bought for $1,500, sold for $25,000
These are just a few examples.
Keep reading, it gets better.
I've tried every single investment over the years...and I can tell you buying and selling the digital real estate of domain names is BY FAR the best for many reasons, including:
Unlike physical real estate, there are no tenants or liabilities to keep you up at night, huge amounts of cash and risk to even get into the game, expensive maintenance or management, huge swings in the market, suffocating monthly loan payments, or other 'surprises'.
I still own physical real estate, but sometimes I wonder...The other day, no joke, my wife and I emptied the trash at one of our lake cabins after guests and our SUV wreaked of dead fish guts for almost 3 days...
...nothing like that with domain names!
Unlike stocks or crypto or anything similar, you have full control of your domain name assets and are in the driver's seat on who to sell them to, when you sell, for how much profit, and how to sell them (I'll share with you my exact system in a moment).
...I just sold my stocks and I am moving all of that money to domain names—I'm all-in and you should be, too.
Unlike ecommerce or dropshipping, you don't have huge overhead costs, need tons of labor, put you at the mercy of one account shutdown and you're done, or have the risk of sitting on your inventory and hoping it sells...
...domain names take up no space in my office, cost only $10/year to hold onto, require nobody to manage, aren't risky to own, and I have a ton of flexibility on what I do with them and when.
The list goes on, but I'll stop there.
Want to get in on this, like me?
Regardless if you already own domain names you'd like to sell for big profits or you want to buy some smoking deals that you can sell for big profits, or both, this is for you.
I didn't realize just how awesome this little side business was until I started posting some of the results I was getting...
...pretty soon, my inbox exploded with folks begging for me to share how I'm doing it.
I have personally scoured the internet for 15 years, spoken with the top "domainers" on the planet, and have put together the greatest strategy for making money on domain names that exists....
I'm sure by now you'd like to know these secrets and cash-in for yourself, right?
For context, folks pay $25,000 and fly to my office for me to reveal business strategies and secrets like this.
I'm not going to make you do that, don't worry.
How would you like for me to share these secrets with you withOUT charging you $25,000 or forcing you to get on an airplane and head to my office?
Names Cash is literally made for you.
Inside of Names Cash, you'll discover:
1) How you can sell your existing domains for huge profits, fast
2) Where to buy more smoking hot deals (without overpaying)
3) The exact names to buy (no crap, only high-value ones)
4) How much to pay (to ensure big profits)
5) How much to sell for (to maximize $ in your pocket)
6) Who to sell them to (where to find massively valuable red-hot leads)
7) How to sell them (including the exact scripts you need)
8) How to negotiate and close the deal (putting huge profits in your pocket)
BONUS #1! I'll show you how you can make thousands, or even tens of thousands selling domains, withOUT spending a dime of your own money! (Yes, you can even 'arbitrage' high-value domains and put huge amounts of cash in your pocket with ZERO risk.)
BONUS #2! I'll show you how to rinse & repeat and do this again and again and either enjoy the huge profits with this side hustle...or turn it into your main hustle and get rid of whatever you're doing that you aren't enjoying...withOUT sacrificing any of your income.
I know what you're thinking...WHY would I share this with you if it's so great and not just do it myself?
Two reasons...
First, I've built up my personal portfolio of domains to well over $1,000,000 myself and I already DO do this on the side.
Second, there are over 30,000 domain names bought and sold every single day.
I cannot possibly keep up with all the opportunity and I literally lie awake at night seeing all the potential that gets lost because I physically cannot buy or sell enough domains to keep up.
I'm creating a private group of folks that get my hand-picked, best-of-the-best deals—you're invited.
It's time for you to cash-in on this, too.
A rising tide lifts all boats, doesn't it?
With that, here's what you'll get instant access to in Names Cash to sell your domains and turn your portfolio into cash, fast!